Our primary goal at Masterthinkers is to provide academic solutions you and your family deserve.

Masterthinkers is primarily a tutoring center. As every student is different, every lesson is different at our center. We tailor lessons to fit the learning style of your child to ensure that they love their time with us and are eager to come back!
We offer classes, summer camps, and events throughout the year to fit the needs of parents looking for academic engagement that is also movement-based and a lot of fun!
We listen to you: the families. We hear that tutoring is usually sitting down with a workbook of endless equations, so we put those equations on a spinning wheel and make it a game. We hear that it is difficult to find afterschool classes that are both academic AND movement-based, so we create Silly Science & Escape Artists! We hear that you need Summer Camps that are also academic to keep your child both entertained and sharp, and we do just that.
Masterthinkers is located at 16906 Se First Street in Vancouver, WA, but we also work with students for both classes and tutoring online.
Masterthinkers began officially in 2018; however, the heart of this business really started in 1993 when its founder, Jeffrey Cannon, realized he wanted to grow up to be a kindergarten teacher just like his teacher: Mrs. Anderson. In 2002, another teacher, Mr. Roll, equally influenced the future educator by introducing him to the world of music and theater. It was then that Jeffrey found himself as a teacher. He found that he could combine acting, singing, and entertaining with education. As a teacher, Jeffrey would entertain his classes with characters such as The Silly Science Professor or Count Cannula. In 2018, he decided to develop individual lessons for students who were struggling that would help them best succeed. These lessons would be tailored with the child's academic needs and take into consideration their learning styles and interests. Suddenly, he had children learning math dressed as wizards, and students proudly reading aloud to their Minecraft information book. Teachers and parents were thrilled.